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Toolchains - Parameters - Filters

ADiMat Toolchains

Toolchain adm: AST XML (XML output of parser)

Returns the AST of the input in XML format. Some preprocessing is done on the output of the parser.

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Toolchain basic-block-to-call: Outline functions

Translate any basic block to a function call of the form [v1 v2 v3] = f(v1, v2, v3, ...).

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Toolchain brackets-to-hvcat: Brackets to horzcat/vertcat

Translate instances of brackets [] to calls to the functions horzcat and/or vertcat.

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Toolchain builtins: Function list (builtins only)

List of builtin functions used in the code.

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Toolchain call-graph: Call graph

Call graph in XML format.

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Toolchain code-metrics: Code metrics (ASCII)

Some code metrics and statistics in ASCII text format.

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Toolchain code-metrics-latex: Code metrics (Latex)

Some code metrics and statistics in Latex format.

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Toolchain code-metrics-xml: Code metrics (XML)

Some code metrics and statistics in XML format.

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Toolchain dep-files: Function files list (user functions only)

List of files with user functions used in the code.

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Toolchain for-insert-iteration-indexvar: Normalize for loops

Canonicalize for loops to the form for i=first:last.

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Toolchain forward-ad: New forward mode differentiation (experimental)

Transforms the code in forward mode AD.

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Toolchain functions: Function list

List of functions used in the code.

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Toolchain help: Help text

Get the help message from a function m-file.

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Toolchain hvcat-to-brackets: Horzcat/vertcat to brackets

Rewrite calls of functions horzcat and/or vertcat with brackets [].

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Toolchain ind-to-subs: Indices to subsref/subsasgn

Translate index expression to calls to the functions subsref (RHSs) and subsasgn (LHSs).

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Toolchain nested-to-sub-function: Nested to sub function

Change nested functions to sub functions. This only works when the nested function only reads variables from the superior scope. These are then passed as additional arguments.

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Toolchain null: XML output of parser

Returns the raw XML output of the parser in the adimat tool. Results of activity analysis for each variable and the function call graph are also included.

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Toolchain prepare-fm: Preprocessing for new forward mode differentiation

Transforms the code in forward mode AD.

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Toolchain prepare-rm: Preprocessing for reverse mode differentiation

Transforms the code in reverse mode AD.

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Toolchain pretty-print: Parse and unparse program

Returns the same program, just parsed and unparsed back to MATLAB source. All the functions will be in one file, you can use parameter output-mode=split-all to write each function to a different file.

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Toolchain rename: Rename

Renames all identifiers given by parameter "from" to the value of parameter "to".

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Toolchain reverse-ad: Reverse mode differentiation

Transforms the code in reverse mode AD.

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Toolchain taylor-ad: Taylor forward mode differentiation (experimental)

Transforms the code in taylor forward mode AD.

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Toolchain user-functions: Function list (user functions only)

List of user functions used in the code.

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Toolchain xaif: XAIF source

Transforms the code to XAIF XML format.

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