The classic adimat binary is still in use on the transformation server and will be available to those users who obtain a standalone version.
The options and flags of the adimat program as they are listed
below can be specified using transformation parameters. Basically,
fields of the corresponding names can be found in the
sub struct of
admOptions (see
Transformation parameters). Parameters can also be given in the command line to
adimat-client. In general, an option like
should be specified to adimat-client as
-s gradprefix=GG_
. A flag --tmpclear
should be
specified to adimat-client as -s tmpclear=1
or just
-s tmpclear
. You can also use a prefix no
to negate a
flag. That is, -s tmpclear=0
, -s notmpclear
-s notmpclear=1
, and even -s nonotmpclear=0
, are all
The usage of adimat is:
adimat [options] inputfilename
adimat produces code differentiated in forward mode AD. If no output
filename is given, then the differentiated files will be prefixed with g_.
Most options have a short and a long name. This way '-h' and '--help' have
the same meaning. (Long options are prefixed by two '-', only in case it is
undistinguishable in the printout.)
The available options with the same meaning are enumerate here. A commata ','
is used to seperate options having the same meaning. Directives are named
with their corresponding option embracing them in square brackets
[...]. Default values are written in braces (<N>=6).
- -h, -?, --help
Prints a help message and exits the application.
- --version
Print the current version of ADiMat.
- -v<N>, --verblevel=<N>
Set the verbositylevel to <N>(<N>=6)
ADiMat's output routines know a level based system for issuing
messages depending on how much the user wants to know. The availabe level
range from 0 -> no output at all upto 12 -> output every single step. The
table below gives a summary of the available outputlevels:
- 0
no output at all
- 1
output only critical errors (like no memory,...)
- 2
errors which can be recovered by stepping over the erroneous
instruction, but this may cause more errors.
- 4
write warnings for everything that is not clear to ADiMat or may
result in unexpected programbehaviour
- 6
(the default) print a small version information at programstart
and some statistics at programmtermination
- 8
print every major program step
- 10
print every minor program step
- 12
prints most information. This will print a real lot of lines.
Do not blame me, if it clutters your screen.
The higher numbers include the lesser ones. All output is written to
standard error.
- -p<OUTPUTDIR>, --outputpath=<OUTPUTDIR>,
The path where ADiMat puts the augmented files. (<OUTPUTDIR>='.')
ADiMats default is the local directory, but it is not really clever to use it,
because ADiMat will produce a huge number of files. It may overwrite some
existing files, too. Using a subdir is highly encouraged. The subdir has to
exist, it will not be created.
Specify the list of dependent variables. This flag is only read if the
specifies a file containing a function. The flag can be
used to select some or all of the variables of the result list of the function
to be dependent variables. If the flag is not specified and the inputfilename
specifies a function, then all results are treated to be dependent variables.
The command line switch overrides the directive AD_DVARS!!!
Like -d but for the independent variables. All parameters are selected to be
independent, if the inputfilename is a function and the flag is not given.
The command line switch overrides the directive AD_IVARS!!!
- -I<PATH>
Add the directories given in <PATH>to the path, where ADiMat looks for matlab m-files. The option -I<PATH>
may occur more than once. The valid paths of each occurrence of -I<PATH>
will be appended to the list of directories scanned for missing functions.
Invalid paths will be discarded. Environments variables are valid and will be
expanded. The special tag '@BUILTINS' may be inserted anywhere, but it is not
allowed to habe more than one occurrence of it in the list. <PATH> may
contain multiple directories seperated by colons ':'.
- --noforwardvarresolv, [GLOBAL NOFORWARDVARRESOLVE]
This options prevents that ADiMat looks forward in the code to learn, if an
unknown identifier is a variable. For example in: 'b=a; a=5;' the 'a' in 'b=a'
is bound to the same 'a' as in 'a=5'. This, of course, is an error in this
case, because 'a' was not defined before use. The flag exists for the rare
situations, where a function has the same name, like a variable and the
variable is defined later on. Consider this bad programming style.
- --writescopefile, [GLOBAL WRITESCOPEFILE]>
Write the file '<OUTPUTDIR>/adimat.dbg' which contains information about
the scopes and the identifiers bound in them. The file contains a history of
the identifier resolution process. This file is for debugging purpose only, it
is not needed by the differentiated program. If this option is available your
version of ADiMat was compiled with the DEBUG-symbol set.
- --nobuiltins, [GLOBAL NOBUILTINS]
Skip any builtin-files. Even if there is a different builtinfilelist given,
the builtin-files and '%ADiMat B*'-directives in the code are ignored.
Use this option with great care. The builtin-files define many
Matlab-functions that are used often (see section
builtins for further information).
- --builtinspath=<BUILDINSPATH>
This path is scanned for the builtins-declaration file 'ADiMat.amb'. Specifing
a new path discards the old one. Look at
for a more detailed description.
- --exportctvcg=<FNAME>
Write the calltree of
the functions to the file <FNAME>. The file will be written to the
<OUTPUTDIR>. No absolute paths are possible, only paths relative to the
<OUTPUTDIR>. The calltree is stored using the vcg format. The file gets
the suffix '.vcg'. See section
calltree for more
- --exportctsimp=<FNAME>
Write the
information gathered about caller-callees dependencies between function (the
calltree) to the file <FNAME> in a simple text fashion. This file is
intended for use with other programs, use --exportcttxt for a more human
readable format. No suffix is appended to the filename. The file is put into
the <OUTPUTDIR>. No absolute paths are allowed here. See section
calltree for more information.
- --exportcttxt=<FNAME>
Write the calltree to
the file '<OUTPUTDIR>/<FNAME>' in a human readable format. No
suffix is appended, but '.txt' is proposed here. See section
calltree for more information.
- --exportdgvcg=<FNAME>
The dependencies
between all variables of the current project are written to the file
'<OUTPUTDIR>/<FNAME>'. The filename-suffix '.vcg' is ensured. The
variable dependency graph is only available in this format, because it is
huge most of the time and other formats are not applicable. For documentation
of the vcg format see section
- --nolocalmfiles, [GLOBAL NOLOCALMFILES]
Files that contain only statements and no function declarations are normaly
copied into the scope they are called from and the file is renamed to meet the
pattern: <calling_function_name>_<original_filename>. However, in
some circumstances this may not be desired. Using this switch, will prevent
the localization of these files. But make sure, that no activ variables
are used or altered in the command-file. (The default is to use local
- --envoutput, [GLOBAL ENVOUTPUT]
This option writes more information about each identifier into the m-files
written by ADiMat. The files are no longer Matlab-complient than. This option
is for debuging purpose only. If this option is available your executable was
compiled using the DEBUG-flag.
- --gradprefix=<PREFIX>
This prefix is added to each active variable. The prefix is used for variables,
when ADiMat is in forward mode. (<PREFIX>='g_')
- --hessprefix=<PREFIX>
If the
second order forward mode flag is set,
then this prefix is used to preceed the variables that store Hessians.
- --funcprefix=<PREFIX>
The prefix is added to each function that is augemented in forward mode. There
is no distinction between functions that are differentiated once or twice.
They all get this prefix.
- -f, --forward-mode, [GLOBAL FORWARD-MODE]
Differentiate using the forward mode. For the reverse mode you have to
use the command admrev.
- -r, --reverse-mode, [GLOBAL REVERSE-MODE]
Differentiate the functions using the reverse mode. This mode is not available
yet in the adimat binary. For the reverse mode source transformation you have to
use the command admrev.
- -m, --hybrid-mode, [GLOBAL HYBRID-MODE]
Differentiate the project using forward and reverse mode interchangeably. The
decision when to switch modes is not yet defined. This flag is non-functional.
It is defined to prevent future misuse. The mode will be forced to forward
even if this flag is used.
- --outl_comp=<NUM>
Set the limit when a subexpression is truncated to the number given by
<NUM>. See section
outlining for further
information. (<NUM>=1)
- --nooperoptim, [GLOBAL NOOPEROPTIM]
During differentiation operations like a*b*c are joined to a single subroutine
call times3(a, b, c) if a derivative object is involved. This flag prevents
the optimization.
- --nolocalcse, [GLOBAL NOLOCALCSE]
ADiMat splits up expressions that consist of more than one operation into many
small expressions. Each expression is assigned to a temporary variable. While
ADiMat operates on one such big expression it may encounter, that the same
small expression is found several times. Instead of recomputing it each time,
the expression is evaluated only once and the temporary variable is inserted
multiple times into the expression. This switch turns this behaviour off. It
may be of use if a function that manipulates a global variable is called
multiple times.
- --noglobalcse, [GLOBAL NOGLOBALCSE]
Similiar behaviour like
--nolocalcse, but this
time not only the expressions, which are generated during splitting the bigger
expressions are taken into account. ADiMat will look at all expression in the
program and replaces expressions which compute the same values with a
temporary variable. The value of the temporary variable is then computed only
once. This feature is switched off, whenever the flag --nolocalcse or its
corresponding directive is used. Use this flag, if you use functions which
have sideeffects and you encounter a wrong program behaviour after
differentiation. !!! This flag is default currently due to a deficiency in the
implementation. !!!
- --globalcse, [GLOBAL GLOBALCSE]
Explicitly switch on global common subexpression elimination. Danger!!! The
algorithm is buggy. Use at your own risk.
- --noloopsaving, [GLOBAL NOLOOPSAVING]
ADiMat uses so called loopsaving operators when invoked without this flag. A
loopsaving operator enables faster derivative computation, because several
loops are joined togehter into one loop, therefore reducing the number of
cycles needed. It is usually not a good idea to switch of the feature, because
the differentiated code will perform badly then.
Prevents "update" of variables. An expression v=v*...;
is called an
update of v
. This is a bad idea, because v
is most likely used in
the derivative computation of g_v=...
. The outcome of the expression will
be assigned to a temporary variable. The temporary will be assigned to v
in a successive statement. This switch turns off the check for variable
updates. Again, be carefull if you use this switch.
Insert statements to compute second order derivative using forward mode. In
fact, the routines to compute first order derivatives are simply repeated once
- --parentcheck, [GLOBAL PARENTCHECK]
Switch on parent checking in AST. This is flag is available only, if ADiMat
was compiled with DEBUG-support. The check is done directly after all files
are read.
- --canonparentcheck, [GLOBAL CANON_PARENTCHECK]
Check that the AST is correctly linked. The check is applied after code
canonicalization. Debugging.
- --postparentcheck, [GLOBAL POST_PARENTCHECK]
Check correct linking of the AST after augmentation and shortly before output.
- --allparentchecks
Use all of the above checks. This flag is available only, if ADiMat was
compiled in DEBUG mode.
- --noscalarfolding, [GLOBAL NOSCALARFOLDING]
Suppress folding of constant real scalar expressions. Scalarfolding examines
expressions and computes the result of constant expressions, like 3+4
This option disables all folding of scalar values.
- --noprescalarfolding, [GLOBAL NOPRESCALARFOLDING]
Suppress scalar folding before the augmentation step.
- --nopostscalarfolding, [GLOBAL NOPOSTSCALARFOLDING]
Suppress scalar folding after the augmentation step. It is not advisable to
switch of scalarfolding, because ADiMat will generate some constant
expressions, e.g. 2*x^(2-1)*g_x
for the derivative of x^2
, where a
constant term could be eliminated. Use this switch if you believe, that ADiMat
does incorrect folding.
- --noconstfoldmult0, [GLOBAL NOCONSTFOLDMULT0]
Suppress folding of expressions with one factor being zero. ADiMat usually
folds products of the kind bar= foo*0
to bar= 0
. In some special,
and seldom cases this may be undesireable. E.g. if foo is a function call
having side effects.
Suppress the generation of mapping arrays for nargin and nargout identifiers.
In Matlab a function can check how many arguments are set by the calling
context by checking the nargin identifier. During augmentation the parameter
list is changed. The mapping arrays take care about mapping the number of
arguments correctly to the number of arguments the code expects without the
derivative objects in the parameter list. Usually there is no need to
deactivate generation of narg-mapper.
- --notmpclear, [GLOBAL NOTMPCLEAR]
ADiMat generates clear
instructions for temporary variables, that are
inserted by ADiMat itself. This conserves memory and speeds up computation,
because Matlab's workspace size is smaller. It is usually a bad idea to
switch off the generation of these clear commands, but it may be necessary, if
temporary variables are cleared, that ought to exist longer. Normally this
occurs only, if some tricky programming is used. Note, these clear commands
only free memory of temporary variables introduced by ADiMat.
- --visitfwdmd, [GLOBAL VISITFWDMD]
This is a new implementation of the forward mode
differentation approach of AD. It is currently in beta state, but enables the
use of more complex source code analysis and application of replace actions for
toolbox-functions. This is the default. The flag is present for backward
compatibilty and will be deleted in future versions.
- --novisitfwdmd, [GLOBAL NOVISITFWDMD]
Switch back to old
AST-driven differentiation of AD. Beware, this mode is not able to different
every Matlab-program. It is not advised to switch off visitfwdmd. If you do not
know what we are talking about, then do not use this flag.
If Matlab has to compute x^y where x and y are zero,
then the result is set to 1. This behaviour is choosen by Matlab. To mimick
this behaviour correctly, ADiMat has to check if 0^0 operations occur and set
the derivative at these entries to 0.0. This flag prevents ADiMat from
inserting the code executing these checks. If you know, that your code never
computes 0^0, then you may switch off generation of this code. But note, that
the derivative code may possibly compute incorrect derivatives (NaN values!).
If you get NaN's and have used this flag, then try again without the flag.
If functions are called by distinct functions using
varying parameter lists, then ADiMat computes the transitive closure of all
variables that need derivative objects associated to it. For most functions the
sets of variables that need derivative objects are equal, but in some cases the
sets differ and dummy derivative objects and results have to be inserted to
call the function correctly. This switch prevents ADiMat from inserting these
dummy derivative objects and the dummy results.