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14. Builtins

Builtin-declarations are 'equations' that define a function of Matlab and its differentiated function or code. Matlab has a set of builtin-, intrinsic- or toolbox-supplied-functions (for simplicity these functions are called toolbox-functions from now on), that are not defined in a .m-file (allthough one may exists!), but are known to the MatLab-executable. The code of these functions can not be differentiated by ADiMat, because the .m-file of these functions only contains a description (some comments) and no code. Furthermore the differentiation of such a function is done by replacing the function call using a different function (e.g. The derivative of sin(x) is cos(x)). Another way had to be choosen to specify the derivative of these functions: builtin-declarations.

A builtin-declaration specifies the signature of a function, (e.g. the signature of the sinus is: $$=sin($1)) and the corresponding actions of ADiMat when differentiating this function. Possible actions are 'DIFFTO' (may also be written 'DIFFSTO'), 'REPLACE' (also 'REPL'), 'IGNORE', 'NODIFF', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', and 'SPECIAL' (also 'SPEC'). With these actions it is possible to specify the differentiated code of a function, replace a function call to compute its original result and derivative, ignore the function when differentiating it, do not differentiate this function, print an error-message, add a warning message where ever the specified function occurs, and do something not yet known to ADiMat in the current version, respectively. The last modifier is reserved for extensions in future versions of ADiMat. The following sections briefly discuss the structure of the file where the builtin-declarations are specified in and the builtin-declarations themselves.

Starting with version 0.5 ADiMat no longer uses the .amb-files directly, but uses a preprocessed form of the builtin-declarations stored in an SQL-database. Nevertheless the .amb-files are used to build the database using the tool dbbuild. The builtin-declarations known to ADiMat prior to version 0.5 may also be used as directives in Matlab-files to differentiate (see directivebuiltindeclaration ).

14.1 .amb-files

The postfix '.amb' is the short form of ADiMatBuiltins. A .amb-file may contain zero (does not really make sense) or more builtin-declarations. It also may contain empty lines and comments, which will be ignored. A comment starts with a '%' and runs to the end of the line. !!! A comment starting with '%ADiMat' is not ignored, it is treated as a regular builtin-declaration and has to conform to the specification of a builtin-declaration. Whenever an error is encountred while parsing a .amb-file a message displayed and the line is ignored. The parsing of the file continues at the next line. The dbbuild tool's default is to look for the .amb-file 'ADiMat.amb' in the following path (in this order):

The lookup-process terminates as soon as the file is found. The user may specify his own .amb-path-list by using the command line option --builtinpath=<BUILTINFILELIST> or the environment-variable ADIMAT_BUILTINSPATH. Use of environment-variables within the .amb-path-list is permitted. ADiMat will try to fetch the values from the machine-environment and replace the variable-names in the path-list with their values (if not allready done by the shell). If a directory is not found or is unreadable, a message is printed and the according directory is skipped. One special .amb-file exists. It defines the symbols used within the Matlab-class of ADiMat. The file is named 'ADiMat_internal.amb'. Its content is essential for a correct differentiation of most Matlab-files. In the current implementation the file is included by 'ADiMat.amb'.

14.2 Builtin-declarations

This section describes the syntax and keywords of builtin-declarations. First some explanations of the language used to define the syntax: Keywords and literals are written in single quotes and have to appear in the declaration without the quotes. Variable- and function-names are written: <name> and have to conform with the MatLab-identifier rules. They may begin with a character (upper- and lower-case) or an underscore followed by one or more (upper- or lower-case) characters, underscores and numbers in any order. Unquoted lowercase words represent rules that will be expanded to their contents. <NUM> represents a non-fractional number starting with one.

14.3 funcsig


Describe the signature of a function.






A function signature specifies the name of the function and the number of its return arguments and parameters. Optionally a type may be specified with each return argument and parameter. A function name may be followed by an optional parameterlist. This list may be non-existent, that is no parentheses are specified at all, an empty list may be specified, that is empty parentheses are following the function name, or parameters are specified between the parentheses. A parameter is specified using a '$'-sign followed by a non-fractional number. The counting starts with one and has to be specified. A function using one parameter has to specify the parameter '$1'. If more than one parameter is used, the parameters have to be numbered consecutively. The symbol '<NUM>' in the syntax diagram below denotes the highest number of the parameters. The symbol '$#' denotes a variable number of arguments. Any number of arguments may be assigned to this symbol including zero. The last two lines of the syntax diagram below denote the way of specifying a number of arguments that have to be specified for this particular function.

$1, ..., $<NUM>

$1, $#
$1, ..., $<NUM>, $#
ADiMat compares the signature specified by these parameter list with the list of arguments the function is called in the program to differentiate with. If the numbers do not match, a warning is issued. The return arguments are specified similiar. If only one single return argument is to be specified, this may be done using the '$$'-expression which is an abbreviation for '[$$1]'. If more than one return argument is to be specified, they have to be written in square brackets. The '$$#'-expression has to be specified in square bracktes, even if it is the only return argument. The '$$#'-expression denotes that a function returns more than one result similiar to the '$#'-expression in the parameter list.


These are valid function-signatures:

$$= g($1, $2:real)
[$$1:string, $$2]= example($1:matrix)
printf($1:string, $#)

14.4 actionstring


Define what code to insert when differentiating the corresponding function.

Syntax and semantic:

The code in a actionstring has to be valid Matlab-code. Expressions starting with a '$' are replaced. The following table gives the '$'-expressions and what is substituted for them.

'$'-expression substitute
$<NUM> Is substituted by the <NUM>'s argument of the function.
$@<NUM> Is substituted by the derivative of the argument $<NUM>.
$$<NUM> Is substituted by the <NUM>'s result of the original expression.
$$@<NUM> Is substituted by the identifier of the derivative of the <NUM>'s result (only applicable with REPLACE action, error else).
$TMP<NUM> Is substituted by a temporary variable that is unique for the difftostring of the current expression. Allthough not forced, this symbol make sense in REPLACE actions only.
$@TMP<NUM> Is substituted by the derivative of the <NUM>'s temporary variable. An association by name is done to the <NUM> temporary variable. It is recommended that derivatives of temporary variables are referred to by this symbol. Allthough not forced, this symbol make sense in REPLACE actions only.
$# Is substituted by the arguments, that are associated to the varargin.
$@# Is substituted by the list of derivatives of the arguments, that are associated to the varargin. E.g.: g_x, g_y if x, y is bound to $#.
$@m# Is substituted by the list of derivatives followed by their original result. E.g.: g_x, x, g_y, y if x, y is bound to $#.
$$# Is substituted by the list of results, that are associated to the varargout.
$$@# Is substituted by the list of derivatives of the results, that are associated to the varargout. E.g. g_r, g_y if r, y is associated to $$#

The symbol &commat has to be substituted by '@'. This is a bug in the current implementation of the docbook style. !!! actionstring is not really a string. No doublequotes are allowed around it. A doublequote within it will start a string, that has to end with another doublequote in the same difftostring.


Look at BMFUNC examples for some applications.

14.5 types


The names of all available types and their meaning.




These identifiers represent simple types. 'real' and 'complex' type a parameter as a scaler real or complex number. The type 'scalar' is an alias for 'complex', because every real number also is a complex number. 'scalar' was introduced to let the user express his intention to specify one single number more precisely. 'matrix' types a real or complex matrix. There is no distinction between these two kinds, not yet. 'generic' types everything that is not explicitly typed. A generic parameter accepts every kind of data. 'real', 'complex', 'scalar', 'matrix', 'boolean', 'function' and 'string' are all accepted by a generic-typed parameter. 'string' is a number of characters in single-quotes. A 'boolean' only knows the two boolean-values true and false. A 'function'-typed parameter accepts a functionreference (the @-operator applied on a functionname).


Look at funcsig examples for some applications.

14.6 BVAR


Declare a variable.


'BVAR' <varname>
'BVAR' <varname>':'type


Declare a variable. If the type is omitted 'generic' is used. This directive is used seldom. It is used however to spefify some constants like 'pi' or 'NaN' to be introduce them to ADiMat in a quick way.


BVAR test
BVAR name:string
BVAR pi:real



Declare a builtin MatLab function and its behaviour on differentiation.


'BMFUNC' funcsig 'DIFFTO' actionstring
'BMFUNC' funcsig 'DIFFSTO' actionstring
'BMFUNC' funcsig 'REPLACE' actionstring
'BMFUNC' funcsig 'REPL' actionstring
'BMFUNC' funcsig 'IGNORE'
'BMFUNC' funcsig 'NODIFF'
'BMFUNC' funcsig 'ERROR' errormsg
'BMFUNC' funcsig 'WARNING' warningmsg
'BMFUNC' funcsig 'WARN' warningmsg
'BMFUNC' funcsig 'SPEC' eol


The BMFUNC-directive declares a function specified by funcsig to be built into Matlab. (look at funcsig for more information about specifying function-signatures). A 'BMFUNC'-directive has two parts:

  1. the definition-part ('BMFUNC' funcsig)
  2. the action-part ('DIFFTO' actionstring, IGNORE, ...)
The first is used to define a function-signature and the second tells ADiMat what to do if the function defined by funcsig is to be differentiated. The possible actions are:
'DIFFSTO'|'DIFFTO' actionstring

The Matlab-expression specified by the actionstring is inserted into the code where the derivative of the function specified by funcsig is needed. Look at 'actionstring' for the specification of an actionstring.

'REPLACE'|'REPL' actionstring

The call to the function specified by funcsig is deleted from the statement-list during differentiation and substituted by the actionstring. For correct program behaviour the actionstring has to contain a semantically identical expression. That is, the original results have to contain the same values as in the undifferentiated program. This action is used to make use of functions, that compute additional information needed for the differentiation, but that is not yet required by the code. A REPLACE action may consist of more than one line of code, where a single \ at the end of a line acts as a line-continuation marker. The REPLACE action is available since ADiMat version 0.5 and in the dbbuild tool only. I.e. it can not be used as a directive!


The function declared by funcsig is not differentiated. It will occur in the differentiated code the same way like in the undifferentiated code (e.g. 'BMFUNC $$=real($1) IGNORE' corresponds to 'BMFUNC $$=real($1) DIFFTO real($1)').


The function declared by funcsig is not differentiable. When trying to differentiated it, ADiMat will stop with an error. The function declared by funcsig may be safely used in code-fragment that are not differentiated.

'ERROR' errormsg

Similar behaviour like 'NODIFF', but 'errormsg' is printed instead. 'errormsg' is a doublequoted string that may contain some special tokens:

$n, $i

the function-name,


the filename,


the pathname,


the linenumber where the function occured,


the character where the function occured.

These special-tokens are replaced at outputtime and may occur in any nummer and order in the errorstring. The errormessage is written using printf, which means that the control codes like '\n' and so on will act as usual.

'WARING'|'WARN' warningmsg

The message given by warningmsg is printed during augmentation time and inserted into the output source code as comment. A WARNING action may be added to every other action including itself to issue the message given. A WARNING acition is added to another action by specifying a builtin-declaration with exactly the same funcsig and giving the WARNING message as action before the builtin-declaration the WARNING message it to be added. It is not possible to generally add a WARNING message to every occurrence of a function by specifying a more general signature or the most general signature [$$#]= somefunc($#). The warningmsg may contain the same $-tokens like the errormsg.

'SPEC' eol

Is ignored currently. The spec-action is for future enhancements of ADiMat. All builtin-declarations that use this action produce a warning and are treated as if 'IGNORE' is specified instead. The line is read until its end and the contents is discarded.


BMFUNC $$:real=sin($1:real) DIFFSTO cos($@1)
BMFUNC $$:real=real($1:scalar) IGNORE
BMFUNC $$=abs($1) NODIFF
BMFUNC nonlinear($1) ERROR "Function: $n used in file $f line $l: \n Function: is nonlinear -> not differentiable."
BMFUNC $$=max($1) REPLACE {$$1, $TMP1}= max($1);\
if (isvector($1)) ;\
   $$@1= $@1($TMP1);\
else \
   $TMP2= size($1);\
   $$@= $@1((0:($TMP2(2)-1))*$TMP2( 1)+$TMP1);\



Declare a function that is implemented in C-code.


'BCFUNC' funcsig 'DIFFTO' actionstring
'BCFUNC' funcsig 'DIFFSTO' actionstring
'BCFUNC' funcsig 'IGNORE'
'BCFUNC' funcsig 'NODIFF'
'BCFUNC' funcsig 'ERROR' errormsg
'BCFUNC' funcsig 'SPEC' eol


Internally this directive is handle the same like BMFUNC. Except that a warning message is displayed at time, when this builtin-declaration is read. This directive exists for future-enhancment. There may be more support for C-code in future. With this version of ADiMat the user has to specify the differentiated expression for this function AND provide it. (ADiC is a tool to differentiate C-code. It is planned to automatically call ADiC whenever a differentiated C-function is needed).


(see 'BMFUNC example')



Declare a function that is implemented in Java-code.


'BJFUNC' funcsig 'DIFFTO' actionstring
'BJFUNC' funcsig 'DIFFSTO' actionstring
'BJFUNC' funcsig 'IGNORE'
'BJFUNC' funcsig 'NODIFF'
'BJFUNC' funcsig 'ERROR' string
'BJFUNC' funcsig 'SPEC' eol


Internally this directiv is handle the same as BMFUNC. Except that a warning message is displayed when the builtin-delcaration is read. This directive exists for future-enhancment. There may be more support for Java-code in future (if an ADiJava is existent then). Nowadays the user has to specify the differentiated expression for this function AND provide it.


(see 'BMFUNC example')

14.10 The dbbuild tool

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