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12. Dependecy graphs and further information

ADiMat gathers information about the Matlab project analysed the user may be interested in. This information may be added to the output files or written to distinct files, which may be analysed using third party software.

12.1 Calltree of functions

The calltree shows dependencies between functions. The relation which function is called by which and which function calls which is generated. This information may be written to a file using different output-formats. The most convenient is the vcg-format. This graph description language is parsed by a visualizer and may be browsed by the user. The background color of an active function is changed to green. The visualizer may be obtained using the url in the this bibliography-entry VCG. The flag --exportctvcg is used to store the calltree in vcg-format. Furthermore, one human readable format is available. The calltree is written in simple ASCII. The file contains the list of all functions and the names of the functions, that are called by this function. A function name 'f' may occur more than once in the list functions called by a function 'g', which indicates that the function 'f' is called more than once in the function body of 'g'. Subfunctions local to a specific function are written like being top-level functions. The output may be generated using the option --exportcttxt. This format is implemented only, if no vcg-tool is availabe. The last available output-format writes the calltree in a machine readable format. All functions get a unique number and a list of callees and callers. Both list enlist the numbers of the functions that are called by the current function (the callees-list) and that call the current function. A single number may occur more than once in a list, which shows that the function calls or is called more than once by this function. The file may be generated using the option --exportctsimp.

12.2 Variable dependency graph

ADiMat may write a file containing the dependencies between variables. A variable 'u' depends on a variable 'v', if the variable 'v' occurs on the right-hand side of an assignment to 'u'. The only available output-format is the vcg-format. The dependencies are shown as a graph, where the variables are the nodes and the dependencies are the edges. The edges are directed in the way, that the tip points to the variable that is on the right-hand side of the assignment. Each variable is displayed using a box. The variable-name is prefixed using the scope-name in which the variable is defined or used. Global variables are marked by using a rhombus instead of a box. The background color of the boxes or rhombuses indicate the activation state of the variable. Four states and therefore colors are possible. A white background indicates that the variable is inactive, a green background that the variable is active, a red background that the variable is reachable from an independent variable and a yellow background denotes that the variable is reachable from an dependent variable. Use the option --exportdgvcg to get the file in vcg-format.

12.3 Debugging information

Two additional options exist, that enable the debuging of an ADiMat run. Both deliver information about the binding of identifiers. The binding of an identifier to a specific environment and scope is described. The first option --writescopefile generates the file '<OUTPUT_DIR>/adimat.dbg'. The file contains a trace of the process of identifying identifiers, called identifier-binding. The steps needed to bind all identifiers are enlisted. In each step the scopes and their environments are printed. Every function creates its own scope. Every scope has three environments. One for identifiers that represent variable-names, one for function-names and one environment that stores identifiers, whose use is not yet encountered. In each environment the identifiers allready identified are enlisted. Each identifier shows its occurences in the code and some further information. The traces enables to comprehend the process and find errors. This file is used identify errors during the development of ADiMat. Tool-developers may have an interest in this file. The second option --envoutput is hazardous in a certain point of view. If the option is used, the written Matlab-files are augmented with additional information for each identifier. After each identifier in all Matlab-.m-files the information in which scope and environment this specific identifier is bound. The file is no longer understandable by Matlab. The information added by this flag has debugging purpose only. The normal user does not need to bother about it.

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