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1. Introduction

ADiMat is a tool to differentiate Matlab code using a source transformation approach implementing the forward or reverse mode of automatic differentiation. All commonly used language features of Matlab 6 upto 9 are supported, for a detailed description look at chapter Supported Matlab constructs. ADiMat's development is in progress. New features will be added in the future.

1.1 Changes

Version 0.1 Initial version.

Version 0.2 Updated description of derivclass. (Sep 10,2003)

Version 0.3 Added information about Windows support. (Dec 31, 2003)

Version 0.4 Added documentation of new flags. (Jan 09, 2004)

Version 0.5 Added documentation of new features and madderiv-class (Dec 30, 2005).

Version 0.6 Documentation of new directives and reverse mode (2009).

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